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Find: in

  2.4.1. Calculation of the force developed by system of mobile elements


According to the same theorem, change of  a linear momentum of system of bodies to equally sum of all external forces enclosed to mechanical system .

 On conditions of our task this equality is carried out: external forces are absent also change of a linear momentum of all system to equally zero.


At the same time, the  plot on  Fig. 5 describing moving of system of bodies, is not rectilinear.

Let's try to find force which could cause similar moving for the same interval of force for a body, the same mass, as well as mass of all closed system.

Force let's define in projections to axes: And

Corresponding projections of acceleration which would  be caused by the given force, are defined, how:


Let's make system of the equations:





where: And coordinates of position of the center of mass of all closed system ((25) and (26));

The decision of system of the equations (36) results in the following:







 Average values of  functions and  for the period:





Force of moving is result of centripetal forces of inertia.

This conclusion can be made on the basis of proportionality of  values and  size:   .

Plots of function and   are presented in a Fig. 11 and  a Fig. 12:


Varipend. Áåçîïîðíîå ïåðåìåùåíèå. Ãðàôèê ñèëû â ïðîåêöèè íà îñü Õ

Fig. 11


Varipend. Áåçîïîðíîå ïåðåìåùåíèå. Ãðàôèê ñèëû â ïðîåêöèè íà îñü Y

Fig. 12



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