NonJet Movement Of the drawing






The results of calculating the position of the dispersion components are given on this page,
 depicted in the figure 5 articles "NonJet Movement"

Conditions of the task:

Number of pellets - 60;
Summary of the masses and of pellets - 1 kg;
Mass of housing without the pellets 10 kg;
Radius of centrifuge - 1 m;
The angular rate of rotation of centrifuge - 1 rad/s

Calculations are executed with the aid of the system of the computer algebra mpl.gif
Method of calculation - "fitting".

 In fig.1 is represented the graph of the position of two "chains" of the pellets, which were being formed with the different methods of separation from housings.
The position of pellets is shown at the moment of the time, when last pellet left its housing.




 In Fig. 2 it is possible to see, as the density of the distribution of pellets with the different methods of department changes.



Fig. 3  depicts the calculated trajectories of the motion of the separated pellets (for the systems, which contain on 20 pellets).
Red lines - trajectory of the motion of pellets in the system with the centrifuge.
Dark-blue lines - trajectory of the motion of pellets in the system with the reactive ejection.

One can see well on the graph that the absolute velocities of pellets in the different systems are different.


The graph of the absolute velocities of the separated components is represented in fig.4



 In fig. 5 is represented the graph of displacement it is centre the masses of the components of two systems.
Two curves coincide on this graph - this of the trajectory of displacement it is centre the masses of housings with the being decreased mass of pellets.




 In the process of department, the centres of the masses of the chains of pellets displace relative to each other.
In this case, the law of momentum conservation is carried out: both for the system with the reactive department of components and for the system with the centrifuge.



In fig. 6 is represented the graph of the shift of the centre of the masses of the "chain" of the pellets, which were separated from the centrifuge (position of point Cm1 to fig.5 of the article "NonJet Movement"), relative to the centre of the masses of the pellets, which would be "shot off" (position of point Cm2  to fig.5 of the article "NonJet Movement"). 




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